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Research access scheme

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The Research Access Scheme assists researchers who wish to contact our members to recruit participants for research projects.

The research, grants and scholarships committee will:

  • review the research proposal and accompanying ethics applications;
  • ensure member details are secure;
  • ensure the proposed research aligns with the College’s purpose and aims.
Recruiting participants

Generally, the College will notify members of a research proposal by:

  • posting a message on the College’s discussion forum, Infexion Connexion;
  • creating a news item on the College’s website;
  • featuring the request in College’s newsletter, IPC News;
  • emailing members; and/or
  • social media posts.
Submitting a proposal

All requests need to be emailed to Please submit proposals as a single PDF.

Information to be included

Your request should include the following information:

  • An introductory letter including the title of the study and the investigators names, affiliations and qualifications.
  • Evidence that the research has received Human Research Ethics Committee approval. This is a requirement before any access to ACIPC members will be facilitated.
  • An outline of the study (no more than 1000 words) including:
    • Research aim and objectives
    • How the research will benefit infection prevention and control
    • How the research will benefit ACIPC members
    • Funding source(s), if any
    • Expected completion date
  • A description of the commitment, including time, expected from the participants.
  • Any other supporting information the researchers believe will inform the review process.
  • Recruitment information that lists the purpose of the research, what is required of participants, the chief investigator’s name and contact details, information on how to participate (e.g. web links and email addresses) and other relevant information for potential participants. This recruitment information should be no longer than 500 words.

The researchers agree to include appropriate acknowledgement of the College in any publications or presentations generated from the research.

Other research proposals

In the event where researchers wish to approach the College for other research purposes, (e.g. partnerships), a formal letter outlining details of the proposal should be emailed to the research, grants and scholarships committee for consideration on a case by case basis.


Approval to use this scheme does not mean the College endorses or is a formal partner in your research.