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Evidence Commission Report Launch

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COVID-19 has created a once-in-a-generation focus on evidence among governments, businesses and non-governmental organizations, many types of professionals, and citizens. Other societal challenges – from educational achievement to health-system performance to climate change – need a similarly renewed focus on best evidence.

For those seeking to use evidence to address societal challenges, legitimacy needs to be earned and then actively maintained. The Global Commission on Evidence to Address Societal Challenges was convened to support people in this vital work.

ACIPC Members are invited to register to attend the launch of the Evidence Commission report which will discuss:

  • ‘Why now’ — our motivations for taking advantage of this most opportune time to close decision-making gaps between best evidence and the societal challenges we face
  • ‘Who needs to do what’ — our aspirations for the various actors involved (those who can lead change) and what they can achieve (our vision for the future as outlined by the Evidence Commission’s recommendations); and
  • Exemplars — examples in practice and policy that demonstrate the change the Evidence Commission is calling for is possible

Date: 28 January 2022
Time: 9-10am AEDT